Sustainable Design at Differing Scales
To approach the sustainable design challenge in creative and innovative ways, we bring together the best minds and approaches from multiple disciplines and skills. Each discipline brings their best ideas and looks for new ways to achieve better than net zero embodied and operational carbon. GGLO’s Climate Positive team guides the evolution of this work and maintains the ethos of the practice throughout the design process.
Each discipline brings a unique focus to the sustainable design challenge, our Architects focus on buildings’ forms, systems, and details to optimize and improve carbon performance. Our Urban Designers plan and design transit-oriented, mixed-use resilient, communities. Interior Designers rigorously research and assess healthy materials and work towards the development of active and adaptive spaces with a strong connection to the natural environment. Our Landscape Architects focus on ecosystems development, native and adaptive planting and efficient use of water. Together, GGLO is writing the narrative toward a regenerative future.